#23 Rocks and Minerals (grades 6-12)

Regular price $23.95

Soft-bound, 88 page book, 36 reproducible task cards, full teaching notes.
No exotic or expensive specimens needed, and you can order support kits directly through TOPS. Examine, test and classify rock samples from your own back yard. Unearth igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic rock, then subdivide by geological formations. An egg carton organizes everything into a unique collection of personal discovery and learning. Many labs are accessible to younger kids, too.

Rocks and Minerals Starter Kit
book not included, please order separately
WE SUPPLY the following items in quantities that serve one student or two students working in a lab pair: sand with mica, sea shells, granite, basalt, hydrochloric acid, Epsom salts, sugar, salt, pepper, chalk, candles, masking tape, modeling clay, pie tins, microscope slides, eye droppers, test tubes, 100 mL graduated cylinders, film canisters, lids, marbles. YOU SUPPLY pliers, brick, egg cartons, safety goggles, pocket calculator, tubs, and lab balances. (Purchase Weighing #05 to make an improvised balance accurate to 0.01 g. Or buy the Pocket Gram Scale, listed below, accurate to 0.1 g.)
Rocks and Minerals Class Kit
Includes materials above, in quantities for 15 lab partners
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notebook paper, straight edges), sand with flecks of mica, pie tins, hand lenses, sugar, microscope slides, candle, granite and basalt, about golf ball size, small glass jars or beakers, eyedroppers, table salt, pennies, paper clips, bricks, chalk, masking tape, test tubes, 5% hydrochloric acid, margarine lids, sea shells, pliers, large coffee can or equivalent safety goggles (or twice this many plastic produce bags), scissors, egg cartons, oil-based clay, gram balances, paper towels, 100 mL graduated cylinders, pepper, calculators,marbles film canisters, wash tubs (or buckets), freezer, Epsom salt, stirring rods dictionaries