#13 Cohesion/Adhesion (grades 6-10)

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Soft-bound, 64 page book, 24 reproducible task cards, full teaching notes.
Spilling over with good, clean fun: watch simple liquids heap, roll, creep, and soak as you investigate cohesion, adhesion, surface tension and capillary action. Model the hydrogen bonds that hold water together. Separate ink with chromatography, study oil slick rainbows and interference patterns.
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dropper bottles with droppers, masking tape, blue food coloring, rubbing alcohol, tap water, liquid detergent, corn oil, waxed paper, graduated cylinders, 10mL, calculators, pennies, paper towels, scissors, large jars, wall clock, paper plates, drinking glasses, shallow bowls, fine pepper, straight pins (NOT steel), bar of soap, camphor, styrofoam cups, toothpicks, drinking straws, string, microscope slides, candles, paper clips, baby food jars, rubber bands, eyedroppers, hand lenses, newspaper, washable colored markers, clear tape, table salt, plastic tubs with lids, gallon milk jug, glycerin, distilled or deionized water (optional), thread, size-D batteries, dead or alive, corrugated cardboard, index cards, 4x6 inch, aluminum foil, medium test tubes (optional), meter sticks, vinegar (optional)