#42 Focus Pocus - Get Materials

Key: (1st/2nd/3rd) denote needed quantities: (1st) enough for 1 student doing all activities; (2nd) enough for 30 students working in self-paced pairs; (3rd) enough for 30 students working in pairs on the same lesson. Starred* items may be purchased below.
1/15/15: scissors
* 4/60/60: microscope slides
* 0.1/1/1: cups modeling clay
* 6/90/90: straight pins, about 1 inch long
* 1/5/5: rolls 1/2 inch clear tape
1/5/15: metric rulers
1/8/15: sets assorted coins: 4 pennies, 1 nickel, 1 dime, 1 quarter
* 3/45/45: straight plastic drinking straws
* 1/5/5: rolls 3/4 inch masking tape
* 2/30/30: TOPS hand lenses or equivalent
2/30/30: glass bottles, soda or beer, about 20 cm tall
1/15/15: index cards
* 1/15/15: regular canning rings, not wide-mouth
1/1/1: roll plastic wrap
* 1/15/15: heavy rubber bands
* 1/15/15: dropper bottles
* 1/15/15: metal washers with 5/16 inch (8 mm) hole
1/1/1: box facial tissue, or roll toilet paper
* 4/60/60: paper clips
* 2/30/30: wooden clothespins
* 1/3/15: hand mirrors
1/15/15: empty cans, 2 7/8 inches in diameter by 4 3/8 inches tall; a common size for vegetables with 14.5 to 15.5 ounce net weights. A regular-size canning ring must nest inside without falling through. Choose cans that can be opened from both ends.
1/1/1: roll waxed paper
* 1/1/1: roll aluminum foil
* 1/5/15: candles with drip catchers
1/2/5: packages matches
1/10/15: meter sticks
* 1/1/1: roll adding machine tape
1/1/1: pencil sharpener
1/8/15: hand calculators (optional)
* 1/5/15: 1/16 inch diameter finishing nail
* 3/15/45: 1 1/2 inch nails
* 1/5/15: 2 1/2 inch nail
* 1/5/15: 3 1/2 inch nail
1/15/15: palm-sized pieces, clear, flat plastic from bakery "clamshell" cartons
1/2/5: hole punch
1/1/1: jar petroleum jelly
1/1/1: packages each: granulated sugar, table salt, pepper, whole poppy seeds
* 1/1/1: bottle glycerin (optional)
1/3/15: dark crayons or marking pen
various: samples printed matter: newsprint, 4-color magazine ads, computer printouts
1/15/15: wooden toothpicks
Clay - Modeling
Regular price $1.70
Straight Pins - approx. 150
Regular price $3.00
Washers - Small
Regular price $0.35
Paper Clips, box of 100
Regular price $1.60
Clothespins - per 10
Regular price $1.15
Rubber Bands - Assorted
Regular price $1.50
Tape - Masking
Regular price $2.40
Nails - 2 1/2 inch
Regular price $0.20
Straws - Straight, per 30
Regular price $0.95
Tape - Clear
Regular price $2.20
Candles, Emergency - per 4
Regular price $2.00
Magnifier - Hand Lens
Regular price $1.95