#41 The Planets and Stars - Get Materials

Key: (1st/2nd/3rd) denote needed quantities: (1st) enough for 1 student doing all activities; (2nd) enough for 30 students working in self-paced pairs; (3rd) enough for 30 students working in pairs on the same lesson. Starred* items may be purchased below.
1/15/15: scissors
* 1/8/8: rolls masking tape
1/2/8: meter sticks
1/1/1: wall clock with second hand (or wristwatches)
* 1/1/1: package standard 1 inch straight pins
1/1/1: package extra long pins, about 1.5 inches (optional)
2/30/30: Post Grape Nuts cereal boxes, 32 ounce size, or equivalent
1/5/15: pennies
* 1/5/5: rolls clear tape
* 2/30/30: straight plastic straws
* 1/1/1: box paper clips
1/3/8: paper punch tools
* 1/1/1: spool of thread
* 1/5/15: metal washers
1/5/15: pounds gravel, large rocks or bricks (optional)
* 1/15/15: medium baby food jars with tight-fitting lids
1/5/15: graduated cylinders, 500 mL (optional)
1/1/1: roll paper towels (optional)
1/3/8: bottles white glue (optional)
* 0.1/1/1: cup oil-based modeling clay
* 1/1/1: bottle food coloring with dropper dispenser, blue is best
1/1/1: roll plastic wrap
1/30/30: flashlights filtered with red cellophane, or red LEDs for night vision
* 1/5/15: hand lenses
1/1/1: stack of standard-sized newspaper, 3 feet high
1/5/15: each, yellow and black crayons or markers
* 3/63/75: generic paper plates, 9-inch diameters with traditional rippled border
1/5/15: drawing compasses
1/1/1: shaker of black pepper
1/1/1: container of coarse sand with pebbles
1/15/15: tennis balls, new or used
1/1/1: roll heavy string
* 1/2/2: package of clothespins (optional)
1/1/1: copy of The World Almanac and Book of Facts, or equivalent on-line reference
1/1/1: a current calendar with moon phases (optional)
1/1/1: ball of cotton
Clay - Modeling
Regular price $1.70
Straight Pins - approx. 150
Regular price $3.00
Washers - Small
Regular price $0.35
Paper Clips, box of 100
Regular price $1.60
Clothespins - per 10
Regular price $1.15
Tape - Masking
Regular price $2.40
Straws - Straight, per 30
Regular price $0.95
Regular price $0.30
Tape - Clear
Regular price $2.20
Magnifier - Hand Lens
Regular price $1.95
Food Coloring, blue 15 mL
Regular price $2.30