#40 The Earth Moon and Sun - Get Materials

Key: (1st/2nd/3rd) denote needed quantities: (1st) enough for 1 student doing all activities; (2nd) enough for 30 students working in self-paced pairs; (3rd) enough for 30 students working in pairs on the same lesson. Starred* items may be purchased below.
* 1/1/1: package of steel pins, 1 inch long
* 1/1/1: spool of thread
1/15/15: scissors
* 1/15/15: ceramic magnets
* 1/35/35: small baby food jars or equivalent
1/1/1: water source (a pitcher of water)
* 3/35/35: straight plastic drinking straws
* 0.1/1/1: cups oil-based modeling clay
5/62/62: index cards, 4x6 inch
* 1/10/15: rolls clear tape
1/1/1: roll double-stick clear tape, adhesive on both sides (optional)
* 1/10/15: rolls masking tape
1/1/1: pencil sharpener
* 3/75/75: generic paper plates
* 1/30/30: medium-sized washers
1/8/15: textbooks
1/15/15: wristwatches
7/60/110: medium cans of equal diameter (or paper towel tubes or gift-wrap tubes)
0.5/7/7: quarts dry gravel or sand
3/3/3: full-sized newspaper sheets
1/8/15: meter sticks
1/8/15: hand calculators (optional)
* 1/2/2: rolls adding machine tape
1/3/6: paper punch tools
1/5/15: U.S. nickels or equivalent-sized coin
1/15/15: orange crayons or marking pens
1/1/1: roll waxed paper
* 2/30/30: thick rubber bands
* 1/1/1: aluminum foil
1/1/1: roll kite string (or heavy thread or dental floss)
1/8/15: clipboards (or books)
2/30/30: tennis balls, new or used
2/10/30: batteries, dead or alive; size-D are best.
1/5/15: flashlights
1/15/15: Ping-Pong balls
* 3/45/45: paper clips
1/1/1: roll black tape: electrical, vinyl or cloth
3/45/45: glass soda or beer bottles of equal height
1/5/15: cardboard milk cartons, quart or larger
* 1/5/15: canning rings, regular size (optional)
1/1/1: calendars for this year and probably the next