#39 Green Thumbs: Corn and Beans - Get Materials
Key: (1st/2nd) denote needed quantities: (1st) enough for 1 student doing all activities; (2nd) for 30 students organized into 15 pairs. Starred* items may be purchased below.
1/30: pairs heavy-duty, pointed scissors
* 1/3: boxes paper clips, medium size, all the same brand
24/650: sheets notebook paper -- college ruled preferred, wide ruled OK
1/4: rolls clear tape
1/1: stapler
* 1/3: spools thread
* 1/2: rolls masking tape
1/15: metric rulers (optional)
* 1/1: straight plastic drinking straws
* 3/45: straight pins
* 1/15: wooden clothespins
1/15: empty cans, medium size, 14-16 ounces
* 1/1: roll aluminum foil
1/15: size-D batteries, dead or alive
1/1: pkg dry pinto beans. Test viability in advance: some brands may be irradiated. If they fail to sprout, purchase more from a garden or health-food store.
1/1: pkg dry popcorn. Test viability in advance:some brands may be irradiated. If they fail to sprout, purchase more from a garden or health-food store.
* 3/45: baby food jars
* 4/60: bottle caps
1/15: plastic tubs; margarine or yogurt
1/4: rolls paper towels
1/15: cardboard milk cartons (or styrofoam egg cartons)
1/1: water source
* 1/30: hand lenses (optional)
0.5/8: quarts vermiculite, sold in garden departments
1/1: jar of petroleum jelly
* 1/1: bottle blue food coloring
* 1/30: lids from baby food jars
* 1/30: thick rubber bands
1/15: large paper grocery bags
1/1: bag potting soil (optional)
1/1: pkg dried lentils. Test viability in advance: if grocery store seeds are irradiated, purchase more from a garden or health-food store.
1/1: pkg wheat berries. Test viability in advance: if grocery store seeds are irradiated, purchase more from a garden or health-food store.
1/30: pairs heavy-duty, pointed scissors
* 1/3: boxes paper clips, medium size, all the same brand
24/650: sheets notebook paper -- college ruled preferred, wide ruled OK
1/4: rolls clear tape
1/1: stapler
* 1/3: spools thread
* 1/2: rolls masking tape
1/15: metric rulers (optional)
* 1/1: straight plastic drinking straws
* 3/45: straight pins
* 1/15: wooden clothespins
1/15: empty cans, medium size, 14-16 ounces
* 1/1: roll aluminum foil
1/15: size-D batteries, dead or alive
1/1: pkg dry pinto beans. Test viability in advance: some brands may be irradiated. If they fail to sprout, purchase more from a garden or health-food store.
1/1: pkg dry popcorn. Test viability in advance:some brands may be irradiated. If they fail to sprout, purchase more from a garden or health-food store.
* 3/45: baby food jars
* 4/60: bottle caps
1/15: plastic tubs; margarine or yogurt
1/4: rolls paper towels
1/15: cardboard milk cartons (or styrofoam egg cartons)
1/1: water source
* 1/30: hand lenses (optional)
0.5/8: quarts vermiculite, sold in garden departments
1/1: jar of petroleum jelly
* 1/1: bottle blue food coloring
* 1/30: lids from baby food jars
* 1/30: thick rubber bands
1/15: large paper grocery bags
1/1: bag potting soil (optional)
1/1: pkg dried lentils. Test viability in advance: if grocery store seeds are irradiated, purchase more from a garden or health-food store.
1/1: pkg wheat berries. Test viability in advance: if grocery store seeds are irradiated, purchase more from a garden or health-food store.