#22 Machines - Get Materials

Key: (1st/2nd/3rd) denote needed quantities: (1st) enough for 1 student doing all activities; (2nd) enough for 30 students working in self-paced pairs; (3rd) enough for 30 students working in pairs on the same lesson. Starred* items may be purchased below.

6/60/90: identical textbooks
1/10/10: meter sticks
1/10/10: large rubber stoppers
1/1/1: plastic jug of water with cap, one gallon
* 1/1/1: roll of masking tape
1/10/10: rulers, centimeters or inches
* 1/10/10: baby food jars with tight-fitting lids
* 1/1/1: spool of thread
* 1/10/10: spring scales, 2 to 3 Newton capacity (250 grams)
1/1/1: roll of plastic wrap
1/5/10: pair of scissors
* 1/1/1: box of paper clips
1/10/10: ring stands (optional)
* 1/5/10: single wheel pulleys
2/20/20: flexible-neck drinking straws, commonly sold in grocery stores.
1/1/2: paper punch tools
1/10/10: pieces of cardboard cut from boxes, about as long and wide as notebook paper.
2/20/20: index cards, 4x6 inches work best
1/1/2: staplers
1/1/1: bolts (optional)
1/1/1: can opener (optional)
1/1/1: nut cracker (optional)
1/1/1: broom
1/10/10: flexible wire, about 14 gauge (or a wire coat hanger and pair of cutting pliers)
1/1/1: strong smooth post, fixed upright
1/1/1: 20 foot cord or rope
1/10/10: medium-sized cans
* 4/40/40: rubber bands
1/10/10: small lids from cooking oil bottles, or equivalent
1/10/10: large lids from mayonnaise jars, or equivalent
*1/1/1: small nail or thumbtack
1/1/1: hammer
* 2/20/20: straight pins
1/1/1: roll of string
1/1/1: flight of stairs
1/1/1: yard stick (or a one-foot ruler and string)
1/1/1: stopwatch
1/1/1: bathroom scale (optional)
1/5/10: hand calculators
Straight Pins - approx. 150
Regular price $3.00
Paper Clips, box of 100
Regular price $1.60
Rubber Bands - Assorted
Regular price $1.50
Tape - Masking
Regular price $2.40
Regular price $0.30
Regular price $3.35
Spring Scale
Regular price $13.90