#21 Motion - Get Materials

Key: (1st/2nd/3rd) denote needed quantities: (1st) enough for 1 student doing all activities; (2nd) enough for 30 students working in self-paced pairs; (3rd) enough for 30 students working in pairs on the same lesson. Starred* items may be purchased below.

1/10/10: meter sticks
8/80/80: meters of string
* 20/200/200: size #16 rubber bands
5/50/50: books to incline a meter stick (or any solid support)
* 1/2/2: rolls masking tape
1/10/10: paper drinking cups
1/10/10: scissors
3/30/330: marbles
8/60/80: pennies
2/20/20: sheets lined notebook paper
1/10/10: small flat buttons
1/1/1: roll adding-machine tape
1/5/10: felt-tipped pens
* 1/1/1: spool thread
1/1/1: wall clock with second hand (or wrist watches)
1/10/10: calculators
5/50/50: index cards, 4x6 inches or larger
1/1/1: bottle dishwashing liquid (or bar of soap)
* 1/1/1: bottle food coloring
1/5/10: jar lids or crucibles
1/5/10: Ping-Pong balls
* 0.5/5/5: cups of oil-based clay
* 3/15/30: baby food jars
1/4/10: narrow-mouth bottles (or Erlenmeyer flasks)
* 1/1/1: roll aluminum foil
* 1/3/3: boxes paper clips, must have uniform size
1/1/1: corrugated cardboard box at least 30 cm high
1/2/5: hole punch
* 1/10/10: spring scales with a 2 to 3 Newton capacity, about 250 grams
1/4/10: plastic gallon milk jugs with handle
* 1/4/10: flat washers
1/4/10: protractors
1/10/10: manila file folders
1/5/10: plastic straws (or glass tubing with smooth, fire-polished ends works even better)
1/1/1: cotton ball (or feathers)
* 1/20/30: clothespins
* 1/10/10: balloons
1/10/10: flexible drinking straws
* 1/10/10: straight pins
1/4/10: bath or beach towels
1/10/10: stopwatches
1/4/10: pillows (or coats)
Clay - Modeling
Regular price $1.70
Straight Pins - approx. 150
Regular price $3.00
Washers - Small
Regular price $0.35
Paper Clips, box of 100
Regular price $1.60
Rubber Bands - Assorted
Regular price $1.50
Clothespins - per 10
Regular price $1.15
Tape - Masking
Regular price $2.40
Regular price $0.30
Ping Pong Ball
Regular price $0.15
Balloons -  pack of 15
Regular price $2.35
Spring Scale
Regular price $13.90