#20 Magnetism - Get Materials

Key: (1st/2nd/3rd) denote needed quantities: (1st) enough for 1 student doing all activities; (2nd) enough for 30 students working in 10 lab groups all self-paced; (3rd) enough for 30 students working in 10 lab groups, all doing the same lesson. Starred* items may be purchased below.

* 2/20/20: rectangular ceramic magnet
* 1/2/2: rolls masking tape
1/10/10: scissors
* 1/2/2: boxes paper clips
* 1/1/1: spool thread
* 2/20/20: wooden spring-type clothespins
* 3/20/30: baby food jars (or small beakers)
1/6/10: meter sticks
5/50/50: blank index cards
* 10/10/10: steel straight pins
* 1/1/1: roll aluminum foil
1/6/10: marking pens, black or other dark color
* 10/100/100: meters thin insulated wrapping wire, 30-32 gauge
* 1/10/10: meters copper or aluminum wire, 20-24 gauge
* 1/1/1: 8 cm pieces of very thin, bare, copper or aluminum wire, 32 gauge or less
1/4/10: medium-sized empty cans
1/4/10: wire cutters
* 1/4/10: candles and matches (or alcohol lamps or Bunsen burners)
* 2/20/20: straight drinking straws
2/20/20: textbooks of equal thickness
1/2/5: exterior windows for tracing onto paper (or light tables)
* 1/4/10: rectangular pocket mirrors (optional)
* 1/1/1: roll clear tape
1/4/10: hole punch
* 0.1/1/1: cup modeling clay
* 1/10/10: size-D dry cells with magnetic outside casings
1/10/10: large paper grocery bag (or heavy wrapping paper)
* 5/50/50: rubber bands, medium width or wider
* 2/10/20: large nails, 3 1/2 inches long
* 50/500/500: washers to fit onto large nails, with holes smaller than the nail head
* 1/10/10: feet wood dowel, 3/16 inches in diameter
2/20/20: thumbtacks
* 1/3/10: gram balances, those improvised in #05 Weighing are suitable
Regular price $0.30
Gram Pocket Scale
Regular price $14.00
Tape - Clear
Regular price $2.20
Candles, Emergency - per 4
Regular price $2.00
Battery - alkaline, size-D
Regular price $2.95
Nails - 3 1/2 inch
Regular price $0.25
Dowel, Thin - 6" x 3/16"
Regular price $0.35
Regular price $3.50