#11 Oxidation - Get Materials

Key: (1st/2nd/3rd) denote needed quantities: (1st) enough for 1 student doing all activities; (2nd) enough for 30 students working in 10 lab groups all self-paced; (3rd) enough for 30 students working in 10 lab groups, all doing the same lesson. Starred* items may be purchased here.

* 1/10/10: packages birthday candles, not dripless
* 0.1/1/1: cup modeling clay
* 4/40/40: tall baby food jars, 6 ounce size
1/10/10: pint jars with lids
2/20/20: books matches
* 1/10/10: household candles
1/10/10: tuna cans for match disposal
1/1/1: wall clock with second hand (or watches)
1/10/10: empty toilet tissue rolls
1/10/10: scissors
1/10/10: plastic produce bags
1/10/10: plastic sandwich bags
* 1/20/20: rubber bands
* 1/10/10: plastic or rubber tubing, 1 foot minimum, about 1/2 cm in diameter
* 1/10/10: rolls masking tape
1/10/10: large tubs
* 1/10/10: pieces easy-to-bend wire, at least 30 cm long
1/10/10: metric rulers
1/2/4: wire cutters (optional)
2/20/20: size-D batteries, dead or alive
1/4/10: tablespoons
1/1/1: bottle vinegar
1/1/1: box baking soda
1/2/2: rolls paper towels
1/10/10: index cards (optional)
* 2/20/20: medium test tubes
1/1/1: source of water and sink or large tub
* 1/1/1: packages garden lime, aka: calcium hydroxide
1/1/1: roll plastic wrap
1/2/10: teaspoons
1/1/1: packages active dry yeast
1/2/2: bottles hydrogen peroxide
* 1/10/10: wooden craft sticks (Popsicle sticks)
* 1/3/10: graduated cylinders, 100mL
* 1/1/1: package fine-grade, unsoaped steel wool balls
1/1/1: bottle chlorine bleach
* 2/15/20: wooden clothespins
1/3/10: hand calculators
* 1/10/10: large test tubes (medium will work)
*1/2/10: medium sized nails (size is not critical)
* 1/3/10: magnets
* 1/1/1: roll aluminum foil
* 1/10/10: medium-sized washers with 1/2 inch hole
1/3/10: plastic lids from margarine tubs or equivalent
1/3/10: quart jars
1/1/1: bottle liquid soap
1/3/10: shallow saucers
1/1/1: bottle 70% isopropyl alcohol (NOT 100%)
* 1/10/10: eyedroppers (dropper bottles are handy too)
1/2/10: dictionaries
Candles, Emergency - per 4
Regular price $2.00
Test Tube - Medium Reusable
Regular price $1.60
Lime - Garden (Per Tbsp)
Regular price $0.75
Washer - Large
Regular price $0.65
Craft Sticks - per 60
Regular price $1.15
Candles, Birthday - per 20
Regular price $0.75