#08 Probability - Get Materials
Key: (1st/2nd/3rd) denote needed quantities: (1st) enough for 1 student doing all activities; (2nd) enough for 30 students working in 10 lab groups all self-paced; (3rd) enough for 30 students working in 10 lab groups, all doing the same lesson. Starred* items may be purchased here.
1/15/15: towels, sweaters or other fabric to muffle sound (optional)7/105/150: pennies
1/15/15: hand calculators
* 1/8/8: rolls masking tape
* 1/15/15: bottle caps, unbent, all the same brand
1/15/15: empty cereal boxes, 32 ounce Grape-Nut boxes recommended
2/30/30: pieces corrugated cardboard, about 10x12 inches
1/4/8: heavy scissors (optional)
1/15/15: quarts package filler (paper "straw," styrofoam peanuts, or loosely wadded newspaper)
* 1/4/4: rolls clear tape
*1/15/15: index cards, 4x6 inch
* 10/150/150: paper clips
1/10/15: size-D batteries, dead or alive
* 1/10/15: thick rubber bands
* 50/750/750: straight pins
1/5/15: metric rulers
* 1/15/15: plastic drinking straws
1/15/15: scissors
1/4/4: wire cutters
* 0.1/1/1: cups modeling clay
1/1/1: package pinto beans or equivalent
1/15/15: plastic sandwich bags or equivalent
4/60/60: jar lids or other shallow containers
2/10/30: dice
*1/5/15: styrofoam cups
*10/50/150: flat thumb tacks, all the same brand
1/1/5: recycled phone book with white pages
* 1/1/1: roll black electrical tape
1/2/8: desk calculator with tape
10/150/150: flat wooden toothpicks
1/1/1: scientific calculator (trigonometry text with sine tables)