#05 Weighing - Get Materials

Key: (1st/2nd/3rd) denote needed quantities: (1st) enough for 1 student doing all activities; (2nd) enough for 30 students working in self-paced pairs; (3rd) enough for 30 students working in pairs on the same lesson. Starred* items may be purchased here.

1/15/15: scissors -- heavy-duty to cut corrugated cardboard
1/5/5: bottle white glue
*4/100/100: lined index cards
1/2/2: corrugated cardboard at least 30 cm long (boxes or flat sheets)
* 2/40/50: straight pins
* 1/3/3: boxes paper clips -- one brand only
* 2/60/60: wooden clothespins
1/30/30: medium-sized tin cans
* 1/3/3: rolls masking tape
1/3/3: paper punch tools
3/80/80: small paper drinking cups with flat bottoms
* 10/150/150: light-duty rubber bands
* 1/30/30: heavy-duty rubber bands
1/2/2: packages long-grained white rice
1/1/1: packages unpopped popcorn
1/1/1: packages pinto beans
10/100/100: coins of each kind: pennies, nickels, and dimes
* 0.1/0.5/1: cups oil-based clay — 1 cup = 1/2 pound
1/2/2: packages notebook paper
1/10/10: metric rulers
* 1/5/10: graduated cylinders — 10 ml capacity
1/1/1: water source
1/5/10: hand calculators (optional)
1/5/5: cups clean, dry gravel
1/5/10: size-D batteries, dead or alive
1/10/10: meter sticks or yard sticks
* 1/30/30: birthday candles
1/5/10: books of matches
2/60/60: envelopes -- legal or personal size
various: materials to use as a weight standard. Use whatever you have on hand. Useful items might include: thumbtacks, washers, beans, rice, straws, heavy string, clay, scissors, eyedroppers, spoons, a hole punch.
1/1/1: large bowl
Clay - Modeling
Regular price $1.70
Straight Pins - approx. 150
Regular price $3.00
Paper Clips, box of 100
Regular price $1.60
Rubber Bands - Assorted
Regular price $1.50
Clothespins - per 10
Regular price $1.15
Tape - Masking
Regular price $2.40
Graduated Cylinder - 10ml
Regular price $3.50
Candles, Birthday - per 20
Regular price $0.75
Index Cards - per 100
Regular price $3.00